Who are the Nikkei?

The term Nikkei has multiple and diverse meanings depending on situations, places, and environments. Nikkei also include people of mixed racial descent who identify themselves as Nikkei. Native Japanese also use the term Nikkei for the emigrants and their descendants who return to Japan. Many of these Nikkei live in close communities and retain identities separate from the native Japanese.

Pan American Nikkei research project

This page dedicated to disseminate knowledge of the culture, history, and worldview of this unique community residing in Japan. Click on the link to learn more about this project.



Project Outcomes

Oral History collection

A collection of oral histories representative of the experience of a cross section of Nikkei living in Japan.


A documentary on the Nikkei community in Japan that will highlight select communities, artists, and the worldview and experience of Nikkei youth and the Hāfu population.

Academic papers

Anthropological academic papers will be published based on this research project.

Join this project

What generation do you belong to?
What languages do you feel comfortable communicating in?